The Vertical Project is an annual interdisciplinary project involving all those who make up the educational community, including students, teaching staff, families and a number of local bodies.

Deciding on a topic is another project in itself. Once a topic has been chosen, different groups will work on the different facets of the project until it all comes together in its entirety-Azken Xedea.

The Vertical Project is so called as in this project we examine many different aspects of culture:music, painting, architecture, traditions, ways of life, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, languages, fears, hopes and dreams, hobbies, gastronomy to name but a few.

Topics are not only chosen based on subject matter, but also on how the topic can help encourage the development of values and emotions. 

The selection process is decided by the pupils themselves. Each group choses a topic and  presents and justifies their choice. Pupils, teaching staff and non-teaching staff cast their votes and whichever topic receives the most votes wins, to become “The Vertical Project”.




Selection of the annual topic

Improve communication skills-focusing on descriptive texts and essays

Classroom work

Learning content, strategy and methodology 

Final stage

Present and exhibit what has been learned


Some of the topics that have been the focus of “The Vertical Project” to date are: Painters, Sculptors, World Music, Mythology, Food From Around The World, Consumption and Sustainable Development, Fair Trade, Sports From Around The World, Basque Language and Culture, Euskal Herria In The World and The World in Euskal Herria, The World of Science, Cinema, Fear, World Gastronomy, Tourism, Music, Attraction Parks, Plastics and this year 2023-2024 Playground Refurbishment.

2022-2023 PLASTICS