SARE HEZKUNTZA innovation project uses digital resources for both teaching and learning.
Since its very inception, Hegoa has always adopted a pioneering and innovative approach to education. We have consistently taken a global view when it comes to teaching and learning, through projects and through the encouragement of inclusivity by way of cooperative learning.
That is why at Hegoa, our aim is to have a school that stays up to date in an ever changing world, that instils inspiration and curiosity in our pupils, that provides them with the tools to respond with creativity, responsibility and critical thinking to the demands set by themselves and others.
In recent years digital technology has led to important changes in learning needs.Undoubtedly, this new reality requires an adaptation of the teaching-learning process and its methodologies. We want to promote the use of these technological resources in our classrooms and to make them an important part of students´ learning process, combining them with the objectives and priorities established in our school´s Education Project.
Paying special attention to the following:
- Staff training and constant updated professional development
- Extending the use of new technology (IT).
- We see these resources as a way to encourage collaboration with families, other schools and institutions, as well as between school staff.