language is:

  • The main tool for personal development.
  • The main tool for forging critical thinking and understanding.
  • The main tool for social participation and coexistence. 

The objectives of the educational programme are to achieve both written and spoken competence in Basque and Spanish, and to foster the basic functional use of one foreign language.

our commitment

The best way to achieve these objectives, we believe, is through our dedication to developing a multilingual educational programme and approach in our school. 


  • Medialibrary
  • Cosy reading spaces
  • Reading workshops
  • Shared reading
  • Peer mentoring 
  • “Treasure of books”/” Walking bag”
  • Book lending service and exchange
  • Links with neighbouring institutions: Txara nursing home, ASPACE, Nos Vamos a La Plaza, Baikara, Lauazeta school, Intxaurrondo Cutural Centre
  • Shared activities with Amasorrain school: shared reading, email pen pals
  • Drama
  • Visiting writers
  • Film scripts 
  • Audiovisual language
  • School media network
  • Bertsolaritza
  • Activities to help with the creative process of oral and written texts